Ω HCollections has evolved from HPaste as an additional tool that helps you keep, organize and reuse your own snippets. If you are not familiar with HPaste, here's a short post about it HCollections allows you to save your snippets in cloud based collections and use them any time you need! Collections are now implemented based on github gists, so you will have to have a github account to start working with them. Your snippets can be private, visible only to you, and public, accessible in read-only mode for anyone. You can switch your snippets from public to private and vice versa at any time. To start working with collections you will have to create a github account if you don't already have one. Be sure to verify you email before proceeding to the next step. Now on the HPaste shelf you may notice new buttons. Click "Collection Authorization" and a small account manager window will pop up. There are 2 fields, upper one - is for private accounts, to which you w...